We welcome submissions of extended abstracts and symposium proposals on all aspects of child-robot interaction, including
- robotics and early childhood education;
- robotics and children with special educational needs;
- robotics and autism;
- robotic technologies and interfaces for child-robot interaction;
- robotics and learning at school;
- robotics and development of scientific reasoning;
- methods for designing and conducting child-robot interaction activities;
- philosophical (epistemological, ethical, ontological) issues concerning child-robot interaction;
- psychological implications of child-robot interaction;
- psycho-pedagogical assumptions of the didactic use of robots;
- robotics and stages of cognitive development;
- robotic programming and construction strategies;
- styles of explanation and description of the behaviour of robots by children;
- training of teachers and educators;
- robotics, programming languages and citizenship education.
Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract through Easychair. The extended abstracts must be written in English, with a maximum length of 6000 characters including references (APA format).
Easychair accepts PDF files. To submit an extended abstract, you will need to log in to Easychair, fill in the text fields with the required information (*) and upload the abstract PDF file. (*) In the text field "Abstract" you may simply enter a reminder to the attached file (e.g. "See the attached long abstract").
When submitting an abstract, please anonymise it by removing from the PDF file all the authors' data (names, affiliations, email address).
The abstract will be subjected to double blind review with one possible round of revisions. The Scientific Committee will make the final decisions based on the reviewers' reports.
To help the Scientific Committee form the sessions, please select one or more of the following categories when submitting the abstract.
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Technology
- Educational sciences
- Sociology
- Other
Each talk will last 30 minutes (20 for the talk + 10 for questions and answers). Talks will be given in English.
Click below to submit an extended abstract.
Call for symposia
The CRI23 conference will host up to three symposia. Each symposium will last 2 hours and have the following structure:
- introduction, by the symposium proponent(s);
- three invited talks, each one lasting 30 minutes (20 for the talk + 10 for questions and answers).
To propose a symposium, please submit a symposium description (in English) through Easychair as a PDF file which includes the following information.
- Title of the symposium
- Symposium proponent(s): names, affiliations, e-mail addresses;
- Description of the symposium (max 2000 characters);
- For each talk:
- title of the talk
- abstract (max 2000 characters)
- invited speaker(s): names, affiliations, e-mail addresses.
When submitting a symposium proposal, you will need to log in to Easychair, fill in the text fields with the required information (*) and upload the proposal PDF file. (*) In the text field "Abstract" you may simply enter a reminder to the attached file (e.g. "See the attached symposium proposal").
The symposium proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee in terms of relevance of the topic and originality of the approach. Please pay attention to gender balance when inviting speakers. Symposia proposals including more or less than three talks will not be accepted.
It is up to the symposium proponents to contact and invite the speakers, keeping in mind that the proposals will be evaluated and that submission does not imply acceptance. The invited speakers of the three selected symposia will not have to pay the registration fee.
Introduction to the symposia and talks will be in English.
Click below to submit a symposium proposal.
Post conference proceedings
After the Conference, each CRI23 speaker will be invited to submit a full paper for publication in a volume edited by College Publications. Full papers will be subjected to double blind peer review. Further information on the publication process will be provided after the Conference.
Important dates
December 19th 2022February 15th, 2023: submission deadline;- March 15th, 2023: notification of acceptance/rejection/revision
- April 15th, 2023: deadline for submitting revised abstracts
- April 30th, 2023: final notification of acceptance/rejection
- May 15th, 2023: publication of the conference program