We welcome submissions of extended abstracts on all aspects of child-robot interaction, including
- Robots for early-childhood education
- Robots and learning at school
- Robotics and Teachers Continuing Professional Development CPD)
- Robotics and Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
- Robotics for language learning (RALL)
- Computational thinking
- Children's and adults' explanation and perception of robots
- Anthropomorphism, human likeness, and child-robot interaction
- Epistemological perspectives on child-robot interaction
- Ethical and social issues concerning child-robot interaction
- Phenomenological approaches to the study of child-robot interaction
- Robotics, large language models, and advanced AI for education
- Artificial cognition and consciousness
- Child-robot interaction and 4Es (embodied, embedded, extended and enactive) cognition
- Anthropological perspectives on child-robot interaction: ethnographic insights, cultural imaginaries, cultural identity
- Affective robotics and education
- Psychological issues in child-robot interaction
- Robotics and cognitive development
- Robotics and theory of mind
- Robots for cognitive and physical therapy
- Robotics and inclusion
- Neuroscientific perspectives on child-robot interaction
- Traditional and technology-enhanced assessment methods in edutainment
- Modelling and identification of Dynamical Educational Environments
- Technology-enhanced educational environments
- Cyber-human-physical edutainment systems
- Innovative spaces and learning environments (TBC)
- Other
Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract through Easychair. The extended abstracts must be written in English, with a maximum length of 6000 characters including references (APA format).
The extended abstract must clearly state the objectives, theoretical framework, main arguments (theoretical 0r/and experimental) supporting the thesis, discussion and conclusions. You can find a suggested template here.
Easychair accepts PDF files. To submit an extended abstract, you will need to log in to Easychair, fill in the text fields with the required information (*) and upload the abstract PDF file. (*) In the text field "Abstract" you may simply enter a reminder to the attached file (e.g. "See the attached long abstract").
When submitting an abstract, please anonymise it by removing from the PDF file all the authors' data (names, affiliations, email address).
The abstract will be subjected to double blind review with one possible round of revisions. The Scientific Committee will make the final decisions based on the reviewers' reports.
To help the Scientific Committee form the sessions, please select one or more of the following categories when submitting the abstract.
- Philosophy
- Anthropology
- Psychology
- Education
- Sociology
- Technology
- Arts and Architecture
- Other
Each talk will last 30 minutes (20 for the talk + 10 for questions and answers). Talks will be given in English.
Click below to submit an extended abstract.
Post conference proceedings
After the Conference, CRI25 speakers will be invited to submit a full paper to be included in a Special Issue published by an international journal on the topic of Child-Robot Interaction.
Further information on the publication process will be provided after the Conference.
Important dates
- December 1st, 2024: submission deadline;
- February 15th, 2025: notification of acceptance/rejection/revision
- March 15th, 2025: deadline for submitting revised abstracts
- April 15th, 2025: final notification of acceptance/rejection
- May 1st, 2025: publication of the conference program